#PDB,Chain,Partner(DNA/RNA),Mutant,Temp,Kd,deldelG,Pubmed ID
PDB: the PDB ID of the protein-nucleic acid complex
Chain: PDB chain ID
Partner(DNA/RNA): the DNA/RNA partner of the protein in the complex
Mutant: the residue ID and amino acid mutation information
Temp: the experiment tempreature
Kd: the Kd value from the experiment
deldelG: the ΔΔG value which is the changes of binding free energy of the protein-DNA or protein-RNA complex caused by single point mutations.
Benchmark dataset
These archive contains two non-redundant energetic benchmark datasets for protein-DNA and protein-RNA binding, respectively. The complexes were obtained from the Nabe database. To remove the redundancy, proteins with sequence similarity > 40% were excluded by using CD-HIT. The interface residues were calculated based on the buried solvent accessible surface area upon complex formation (ΔASA > 1Å) and relative solvent accessible surface area (RASA > 5%) by using Naccess.
Download protein-DNA benchmark by clicking the link below